What is the Idaho Cattle Association?
The Idaho Cattle Association (ICA) is the official voice for all segments of the beef industry in Idaho, from seedstock breeders to commercial operators to cattle feeders. ICA is the grassroots policy development organization for Idaho's second-leading agricultural industry--cattle. Through ICA, cattlemen and women work to create a positive business environment, while providing consumers with a safe and wholesome product.
This non-profit trade association was officially formed in 1983, through a merger of the Idaho Cattlemen's Association (originally founded in 1915 as the Idaho Cattle & Horse Growers Association) and the Idaho Cattle Feeders Association (founded 1963). In 1998, ICA and the Idaho CattleWomen, Inc. merged. ICA is comprised of more than 1,000 members, and represents the interests of more 6,000 cattle producing families caring for almost 2 million head of cattle across the state.
ICA is one of many state-national partners with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA). Together, ICA and NCBA provide those services that cattle ranchers and feeders cannot perform as individuals. Our principal services are government affairs, public information, issues management, and member education.
ICA and NCBA perform three basic functions:
- Represent the beef cattle industry to the legislative and administrative branches of government
- Explain beef production, including product safety, use of natural resources, animal care and beef economics to the public and opinion influencers. In addition, interpret economic, social and political developments for the industry
- Provide economic and other information to members to aid them in their own planning and management.
The ICA office is in Boise. The NCBA headquarters are in Denver with a government affairs office in Washington, D.C. Association programs are carried out by specialists in administration and management, government affairs, ag economics, communications, public relations, cattle production and marketing. The only way from your House to the Statehouse to the White House is through ICA.
All ICA programs are financed by dues from individual members and allied industry members.
Our Mission
The mission of the Idaho Cattle Association is to coordinate and advance the economic well being of the Idaho Beef Industry through innovative and effective political, educational, and marketing programs accepted and supported by all industry segments, partners, and coalitions.