Who are Idaho Cattlewomen? We are experienced, skilled and educated. We are young, passionate and ready to learn. We are single and married. We are daughters, moms, grandmas, sisters, aunts. We work beside our spouses and partners—roping, riding and branding. We work the chute, give the shots, keep the records, and run the errands. We feed the crew and our families. We work other jobs in town to help support our ranching lifestyle. We teach and guide the younger generations. We care for the land and cattle. We support our family, our friends and neighbors. We volunteer in our communities, schools and churches. We are diverse.
But, we are also united in our one mission—to promote beef and beef production in Idaho. We are all Idaho CattleWomen!
The Idaho CattleWomen Council’s primary focus is beef education and promotion through teamwork and fellowship.
ICWC members provide support for beef promotion, ranching and beef production throughout the state through events and special projects. In addition, Idaho CattleWomen are actively involved with the Idaho Cattle Association, helping set policy and holding leadership positions. ICWC members are active in local cattlemen and women organizations, in our state association and in national organizations.
Scholarship Program
ICWC raises money each year with a saddle raffle with proceeds supporting the scholarship program. Students with parents, grandparents or legal guardians as ICA members and who are pursuing degrees in agriculture are encouraged to apply. Applications are due each year by March 31. ICWC also manages the scholarship program for Western Stockmen’s/Simplot.
In 2010, the ICWC teamed up with the Idaho Cattle Association, Idaho Beef Council, Idaho Foodbank and Agri Beef Co., to launch the beef industry’s campaign against hunger in Idaho. Since its inception, Beef Counts has provided more than 2 million servings of beef to hungry Idahoans. Throughout the year there are opportunities for the cattle industry to help label and distribute beef through the Idaho Foodbank. It’s a great opportunity to give back and see the many lives who are touched by our donations of beef.
The photo contest is held at the ICA Annual Convention. ICA members may enter photos, which are then used for marketing and promotional pieces by the association.
Idaho CattleWomen Council Chairwoman
Tay Brackett, [email protected]
Idaho CattleWomen Council Representative
Christie Prescott, [email protected]
Scholarship and Saddle Raffle Committee Chair
Anita Gonzalez, [email protected]
For general ICWC questions, [email protected]